7.9 C
Δευτέρα, 3 Μαρτίου, 2025

Επιστολή του Δημάρχου Αλεξανδρούπολης, με αντικείμενο το νέο νομοσχέδιο για την Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση

- Χορηγούμενη-

Unfortunately, once again the leadership of the Interior Ministry has demonstrated its antidemocratic behavior, through the Secretary General K. Poulaki in partisan gathering of SYRIZA in Alexandroupolis, on 17/05/2017.

And because the “toys” not I like, because I am in favor of exercising effective policy without preconceptions, determined as follows:

A) is cut off the economic policy of the local government? Why sir Poulaki in my labeling that like previous governments, so the current did not create anything in Evros in Thrace.

For this substantial labeling on the people and the fate of the place, you were SEALED MOUTH.

B) allegedly talked to 24 points of the bill to convince about the fact that not only talk about the amendment of the electoral law, but issues concerning the essence of local government like:

-The upgrade the efficiency of local authorities and strengthen the feeling of closeness to citizens local authorities !!!

-The ensure the economic viability of local authorities and their modernization.

-The reinforcement of the role of Municipalities and Regions, etc.

Vague talk and finally issues that ministry refused to talk to the mayors (KEDE), given that blocked the discussion, bringing divine law as the predetermined change of the electoral law on proportional representation. This is democracy and I can rejoice !!!!! And so, just demystifies the moral basis of LEFT, which unfortunately I thought !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C) did not answer distrust created over 2.5 years to your attacks against the mayors, as the legal instrument for the recovery of cash reserves required municipalities to cripple our independence, such as you try to remove the mayors substance, appointing executive secretaries in municipalities (but excluding overnight retreat in disorder), such as the preservation of non-compensation of all deputy mayors so far as the suspension of pension receipt endive prince who dared … to take care of the Local Government. But celebrate the party concentration in Alexandroupolis, and applauded by your party supporters, you finally made the obvious after 2.5 years in order to meet the constant demand of mayors, for compensation of approximately EUR 30 municipal councilors only for meetings municipal councils and so rejoiced at your attitude, since nothing else unfortunately have not put forward, and it’s a shame. It is absolutely certain that your targeting is essentially the application of proportional representation. But with blame, that focused exclusively saftin and this is another inaccuracy. With the planned implementation, however, will displace the first parties of the majority in the next election, more than 50% of the municipalities and in some cases would give more seats to the second party from those in the first !!! Really, you know that it belongs to the sphere of alchemy turning copper into gold ;;

Of course I do the second party that will be able to join another faction minority to call upon for cooperation in the first ;;;;;; !!! This democracy, which wants to exclude the first winning municipal faction from the administration of the municipality, where the discovered truth ;; !!!!! Do not tell me to Western European countries, because there are no guarantees and veto on crucial issues to the Mayor, as well as going to states with administrative machine disconnected from the party, and people with political culture and culture !!!!!!!. Unfortunately, when you refer to political culture, you are referring only to the possibility to check with juggling majorities of Municipalities in the next election, because if you do not apply the proportional, will again lose your party the ability of municipalities control by more than 90 %. Unfortunately your only target is to check the majorities.

So anarchy in the municipalities, and government from factions that did not want the people of each municipality to be first, so falsifying the will of our people. Look once again at the Municipality of Drama how could dioikithei from the winning party of the second Sunday if the proportional !!!!! force.

The numbers speak for themselves inexorably after 31 facets 22 share in minority factions. Accordingly, the second array with 14 seats against the winner would only nine seats, with any other array of the minority, will have the necessary majority of more than 15 seats out of 31 seats !!!!!.

So, you on the left, you mean ‘promote cooperation’ ;;;. I would say politely, that is a shame and disgrace. That’s why we left the dialogue. Because of what democracy talk and which strengthen the role of local government will seek together when you are targeting the dissolution of Local Government and the depreciation of Mayors? However, it is known that controlling in single digits all the municipalities of the country, now decided YOUR ONLY !!!!!! without local government representatives !!!!! simple analog to untangle from pesky mayors and parties that are not related to your ideology !!!!!!! dissolving the second form of the country’s administration (the self-governing), thus forming a deep state of the left, where you will you above all, and above all alone. !!!!!!!!

Finally, your rudeness to try to disparage us, saying that you left the party concentration of Alexandroupolis not wiser, not to say that you are the wisest !!!!!!!!!, but unfortunately you are a member of a group at least this topic or you do not understand (the worst scenario), or undemocratic play one more game against the local government, and therefore the people, as municipalities hold people up, especially in the last seven years. Finally, with regard to your advice to not deal with mathematics as a lawyer, and to let to you that you’re a mathematician note that:

a) if you were gentle, will not you give advice but very precepts and multi-

b) the policy is using everything nonpolar areas and at all levels and therefore will not leave you to some only as you want. Moreover the numbers in the upper example of Drama Municipality is simple math and do not require University. Do not you agree? And of course, to finish with you, to leave you to your work is none other than the preparation of the application of proportional, I asked in the context of true democracy (and not your artificial arrangement own) to agree to discuss a interim implementation electoral system that brings out the essence of politics and will not falsifying the will of the people, but you refused !!!!!!!.

Good morning, Mr. Secretary General, and to rejoice your wisdom. But remember that to you you will not only mayors but the overwhelming majority of the Greek people in a war that you started and they are solely responsible !!!!!!!.

With price


Evangelos Lampakis

- Χορηγούμενη-

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